Contact George Tsiattalos
George Tsiattalos was never a seeker of enlightenment nor did he care for spiritual truths. Ready to end his thought-made suffering, he underwent a spontaneous initiation in which he felt an immense inner shift, but was left wondering who he truly was. It wasn’t until he sat in his basement that same day with a still mind to realize beyond the mind what he couldn’t make sense of in the mind. He started writing notes on his experience. Notes turned into topics. Topics turned into chapters. Chapters turned into a book. He said, “It was as though the book wanted to be born, so to speak.” It was a spontaneous, immense inner shift from slavery to freedom. Prior to that shift, he was a complete victim to people and circumstances. He lived entirely from past to future with no reality in between. He was deeply depressed, fearful and anxious, almost continuously. There was no effort, no expectation and no journey. He said, “I was like a bundle of kindling, prepared by suffering, waiting for a spark of truth to light my storehouse of illusion, attachment and fear on fire.”
He now offers One with Life as your spark of truth.